Download Mixin Messenger to get your Mixin ID
Mixin Messenger is available on both Google Play Store and App Store, please click the related link to download and install Mixin Messenger, then you will get your Mixin id to submit the Airdrop campaign.
Click the campaign link to participate in the Airdrop
Open the campaign page and finish all following tasks to become a valid participant:
- Follow @mobilecoin
- Follow @Mixin_Network
- Follow @MixinMessenger
- Retweet the specific tweet
- Submit your Mixin ID
Claim the Airdrop
After you finish the tasks, please go back to Mixin Messenger, by clicking the group link MobileCoin English ( ) or search the group id 7000104047. Then open the group page to claim the rewards. Here is the steps for joing the MobileCoin English group and claim the reward:
1. Open the group link on the broswer and tap "Open in Mixin" button
2. Confirm to open
3. Switch to Mixin Messenger and tap the "Authorize to join" button
4. Confirm the access
5. Tap the "Event" icon
6. Tap the "Participate" button to claim the reward
As the participants list is updated manually, if you fail to claim the reward, please retry in 24 or 48 hours.
7. Claim successfully
1. The campaign limits 2000 participants, so it probably ends before the Date marked.
2. The rewards will be distributed manually via Mixin Messenger MobileCoin English group, therefore, please submit the right Mixin id and claim it by yourselves.
3. Each valid participant could receive 0.1 Mob.
Open the group linkon the browser and top open mixing bottom
Confirm to Open
Switch the mixing messenger and top the authoritize to join bottom
Confirm the access
Top the event icon
Top the participate bottom to cliam the rewards
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