We strongly recommend joining the Mixin English group or Mixin MENA (Middle East North Africa) Group to meet hodlers.
There are 4 ways to make friends.
1. Find friends by uploading contacts
A. Press the avatar at the top right corner
B. Find the "Upload contacts" tab at the bottom
Attention: Mixin Messenger supports adding 5000 contacts and uploading 10,000 mobile contacts.
2. Find people by searching Mixin ID
A. Press the "Add Contact" button on the right side
B. Input Mixin ID
or Phone number to search
Please note the format of the phone number, which should be a country code + phone number marked on the picture.
C. Then "Add Contact"
3. Add people from a group chat
When you want to add some people you meet in a group chat, please press its name; you will get a menu popped up, then press "Add Contact."
4. Scan the QR code to add a friend when face-to-face
A. Show your QR code
(1) Press the QR code icon on the right side
(2) Then press the logo on the popped-up menu
(3) Display your QR code and let your friend scan
B. Scan the QR code to add contact
(1) Open camera
(2) Scan the QR code and press the notification on the top screen. (Please note that if you miss tapping it and the notification disappears, you need to reopen the camera to scan again.)
(3) Press the "Add Contact" button
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